Friday, April 27, 2012

Why aliens don't want anything to do with us.

So I was thinking today about the human race. We are essentially big babies.  We are war like in our need to consume and conquer. We believe that we are owed everything. Besides the fact that we are a young race and we haven't advanced even to space travel, we can't even get along with each other, let alone a race of beings that are definitely smarter than us.   Face it the only reasons aliens would come to earth would be for our resources. Humans would most likely be slaves or food or both.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Commercials are a waste of our time.

I was thinking about my soapbox today. It is kinda dusty. Smoking commercials... pure propaganda. Really when was the last time you saw one of those commercials for alcohol? I am sick and tired of hearing how smoking is so bad. Please.. the warning on the package is enough. Have you heard about a family of 4 being killed by a smoking driver. Lay off the damn cigarettes and stop avoiding liquor. The money that they spend for those commercials donate to finding a cure for cancer or to the schools. Holy cow people we sit back and let things like this go on.. people die every day from alcohol that never even touched the stuff and we are worried about foul smelling restaurants? I know a large number of people drink.. that is the point isn't it. Those morbid commercials about how a woman had a stroke because of smoking.. why not use her as a spokeswoman for an unhealthy diet? The man with no legs.. cancel the commercial and give those monies that they pay for that time slot to the diabetes foundation. I am tired of listening to those things and not saying anything about it. How much money is wasted with commercials when no one wants to see them anymore?

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Today I struggled with telling the truth! Why?

So I have been thinking a lot about this blog and what I want it to be. I want to be able to say things that matter to me.

Today I was asked a question about another person. Now I do not get along with this person very well but honestly I didn't give the answer I gave for that reason.  I told the truth.  Now I feel like I did the wrong thing. I hate that I feel like that. I would hope that if someone asked about me that the truth would be told, as long as it is good, (haha) not true I want what is true to be good. No one is all good and I understand that.  I worry  that people will feel that I am not nice because what the truth was, was bad.  I am such a worry wart.

The thing is that people expect that because they want something that they deserve it. If you are lazy and complain all the time, don't keep promises, or don't work hard enough then you don't deserve those friends or that job/raise. If you think you are too good for the entry level position and you don't give it your all because it is beneath you, then what makes you think that you are going to succeed at the higher job? You might get there and think that the job is shit and act the same way that you did at the other one.  I told a coworker a couple of months ago when he was complaining about the monotony that 'You are here so why not do the  best you can at what you are doing now ' He laughed it off but that is so true about life. If you go through life only skating by on the least you can do then your whole life is only half lived.

To go further on the previous thread. If you hate doing the dishes so you do them quick to just get the deed done then when you pull a plate out to use it and it's dirty then you have to clean it again.  You've just done the thing you hate twice when you could have been eating or doing something you enjoy.

I am going to stop rambling now but the overall points here are
1. Don't be afraid of the truth if you have done and been the best you can. 
2.  Do things right the first time. It saves energy and you'll come out happier in all respects.


Tuesday, April 10, 2012

What pisses you off? I get mad at people that park on the side of the street when their driveway is empty. You think that your so special that everyone must carefully avoid your lovely car. Well to hell with you people I wont avoid your piece of sh** anymore.
No one is  into political things I guess. How about fanfiction? I write fanfiction an I have been wanting to read some good ones.  I promise soon that I will find mine and put it up soon.