Thursday, April 26, 2012

Commercials are a waste of our time.

I was thinking about my soapbox today. It is kinda dusty. Smoking commercials... pure propaganda. Really when was the last time you saw one of those commercials for alcohol? I am sick and tired of hearing how smoking is so bad. Please.. the warning on the package is enough. Have you heard about a family of 4 being killed by a smoking driver. Lay off the damn cigarettes and stop avoiding liquor. The money that they spend for those commercials donate to finding a cure for cancer or to the schools. Holy cow people we sit back and let things like this go on.. people die every day from alcohol that never even touched the stuff and we are worried about foul smelling restaurants? I know a large number of people drink.. that is the point isn't it. Those morbid commercials about how a woman had a stroke because of smoking.. why not use her as a spokeswoman for an unhealthy diet? The man with no legs.. cancel the commercial and give those monies that they pay for that time slot to the diabetes foundation. I am tired of listening to those things and not saying anything about it. How much money is wasted with commercials when no one wants to see them anymore?

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